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List of Government-based Enemies

The Short List

This list is from May 13, 2018. The list will grow and the status of the enemies will change, but this is one that we can all keep on hand and make sure the players feel the heat from law-abiding Americans.

We have placed the notation of SES beside the names that we could confirm being in the Plum Books at the time of this posting. There are many ways to hide affiliation with SES and we are only beginning to discover how nefarious this enemy unit is within our government.

FBI GC James Baker SES Resigned TBD

DOJ Bruce Ohr SES Demoted TBD

DOJ SC Lisa Page SES Resigned Referred for prosecution

FBI CI Bill Priestap SES Cooperating TBD

FBI CI Peter Strzok SES Demoted Referred for prosecution

SoS Aide Huma Abedin Replaced TBD

HRC Aide Sidney Blumenthal SES N/A TBD

CIA D John Brennan SES Replaced TBD

DNI James Clapper SES Replaced TBD

SoS Hillary Clinton Replaced Referred for prosecution

FBI D James Comey SES Fired Referred for prosecution

DASoD Evelyn Farkas SES Replaced TBD

WH Aide Valerie Jarrett SES Replaced TBD

FBI CD Mike Kortan Quit TBD

DOJ DAAG David Laufman Quit TBD

DOJ AG Loretta Lynch Replaced Referred for prosecution

SoS John Kerry SES Replaced TBD

FBI DD Andrew McCabe SES Fired Referred for prosecution

DOJ DAAG Mary McCord Quit TBD

HRC Aide Cheryl Mills N/A TBD

FBI D / SC Robert Mueller SES N/A TBD

POTUS Barack Obama Replaced TBD

Contractor Nellie Ohr SES N/A TBD

UN Amb. Samantha Power Replaced TBD

NSA Susan Rice Replaced TBD

FBI CoS James Rybicki SES Quit TBD

Contractor Christopher Steele N/A Referred for prosecution

DOJ AAG Sally Yates Fired TBD

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