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1.Why is the Thrive Factor for ME?

You are intelligent, aware and observant. You have noticed that the world and your country in particular is suffering from difficulties you cannot explain or understand. You have noticed that explanations given for events offered by major news seem rather shallow and disingenuous. You have observed that this insincere tendency for reporting the news has been going on for some time. You are wondering why no one around you seems to notice the decline in social ethics and values other than yourself.


The management of TFI have recognized similar trends in our society and recognize the lack of accurate facts about the truth behind events and circumstances. The mission of this website is dedicated to enlightening you to the Truth behind current events and preparing you to become part of the solution.

2. The Truth shall be disclosed to you here!

Truth seeking thought leaders from across our planet are gathering here to join in a great conversation aimed at enlightening the inhabitants of our planet to the TRUTH behind the events hidden from us for decades and centuries. It’s time we awake to the realities confronting us that the majority of us, we the people of the planet, have been unaware of for all of our lives. Click the MORE tab below for an introduction to the problem and potential solutions.

3. How can I become part of the solution?

The ThriveFactor is a economic solution designed to create a new economy, community by community where we can live in peace and harmony. Many of our citizens have been stripped of their livelihoods and are vulnerable to losing their homes, their families, and their sanity. Networking Entrepreneurs will organize us into safe, supporting, truth-seeking groups. These groups will encourage their members to become networking entrepreneurs and soon we will see a new vibrant economy emerging like the fresh new flowers of the Spring Season. Please read on to learn more about the program.

Here is where you learn how you can make a significant contribution to Help Save Western Civilization.

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