How is it possible we have allowed this to happen to our beautiful country, the home of the free and brave? Your initial shock of awareness if in fact you have been unaware will be one of disbelief, anger and righteous indignation over the deceptions perpetrated upon you. How could we the people be so out of touch with the facts that Hillary labeled us as the deplorables[1]?
There are many reasons but two of the most significant enablers are as follows:
Unfortunate Unintended Consequence One: Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent.[2]
Unfortunate Unintended Consequence Two: Liberals never understand that what they’re doing is wrong, only that they haven’t been allowed to do enough of it yet.
The following twenty-one points define the issues needing to be addressed by us all if we are to extricate ourselves from this tyranny and anti-constitutionalism[3] being perpetrated upon us by the predatory class.
1. We believe the solution to the human condition is Liberty.[4] Two hundred and forty-two years of the most successful country the globe has ever seen is proof enough. No government program created this country, free people created this country.
2. America is not an Imperialist nation despite what your professors tell you[5]. We are not shoving our way of life down anyone’s throats. We are a country that rightly or wrongly has attempted to exert enough military, political, and economic power to persuade nations in every region of the world to take important actions they wouldn't otherwise take towards instituting policies aimed at achieving freedom for their citizens.
That is the answer to the question “What has the role of the world’s only superpower been during our lifetimes?”[6] Unfortunately, while America is not imperialistic, its power has been abused by the elite predatory class to promote their Globalist, New World Order agenda.
3. Marxism is the greatest threat to human freedom and growth.[7] It has never worked anywhere it has been tried, but it is still taught in every college. It’s time that we drain the swamp of these anti-American Marxist lovers and require them to either proclaim their allegiance to our constitution or find their calling in another country.
4. America is not the world's largest polluter because a) carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is plant food[10]. b) In terms of wealth versus tons of pollution we are the cleanest country on earth because we are free and have the disposable income to clean up after ourselves; something the Soviet bloc was unable to accomplish.
5. The environmental movement uses the environment and animal species as an excuse for putting the means of production, (the land), off limits to the American citizen. Putting the means of production off limits to the citizen is part of the definition of communism[11].
6. We have a highly progressive income tax. The tax code rewards bad choices and punishes good ones[12]. Russia has moved to a 13% flat tax. So, we have Karl Marx’s tax system and Russia has Steve Forbes’.
7. Abortion is the Sacrament of the Feminist Church[13]. It is the ultimate celebration of the separation of a woman from her nature. Feminists like this and will go to any lengths to protect this so-called right. There is no abortion argument that is not rooted in feminist rage, personal inconvenience, or self-loathing[14].
8. The fundamental difference between Liberals and Conservatives[15] is Liberals see every new life as a potential problem and a burden. Conservatives see every new life as a potential source of creativity and wealth. Allow me to elaborate: When your view of your responsibility to your fellow citizen is to take care of them through government planning and government force, every new person born becomes another mouth to feed another person to educate another burden on the states’ resources. If you are a liberal, you believe that resources are limited and there is only so much to go around. You see government policy as the arbiter of who gets what[16].
A conservative understands that new wealth is created every time human creativity acts on a resource and is unlimited. As the Zero Population movement shows, liberals have no sense of the value of human capital. To a conservative, life is a blessing.
9. There is no conclusive evidence that humans have caused global warming[17]. It is the hoax of the century, and it makes a lot of people a lot of grant money. It also makes a convenient excuse for putting a global governor on capitalism to make the world fair for dictators and socialist welfare states, and makes the looters very rich. Every claim of settled science the warmists[18] make is based on computer models that do not work. The approaching Solar Minimum[19] and its impact on humans is settled science but the warmists ignore it.[20]
10. No-one has ever died trying to paddle a rubber boat from Miami to Cuba[21]. If America is as bad as the left maintains, why would anybody risk their life to come here? And why don’t THEY leave?
11. Racial profiling is condemned by the left as an act against the civil rights of a specific racial group constraining our law enforcement agencies from conducting their lawful duty to protect citizens from harm. When the left encounters a racial situation that they are unable to respond to logically or can’t defend, they resort to claims of racial profiling as a defense that places the onus on you and I rather than the offending racial class.
12. To a Conservative adversity is indistinguishable from opportunity[22].
13. The United Nations is an expensive farce[23] that allows tyrants to park illegally and pretend that they are legitimate World Statesmen. They are not, they are thugs in $4,000.00 suits who see America as the biggest threat to the world (eg: threat to THEIR utopian plans to control everything).
14. Islam is a global mental illness[24]. It is a sickness, it is a cancer and it is evil. If Islam disappeared tomorrow from the earth. 90% of all blood shed would end overnight. Islam has been doing what it’s doing since before there was an Israel or a USA.
15. There is such a thing as Evil, and you cannot negotiate with it[25].
16. Common sense and government are mutually exclusive[26]. Government is what you do when you’ve decided that you can’t trust the citizen to use their common sense. So, when you, as an elitist and one of our betters[27] notices that not all of us out here are perfect, and not all of us make the right judgments about everything all the time, you then impose your bureaucratic rules upon us and we can’t use our common sense any more.
Don’t ever let a politician tell you that he is going to bring common sense to government. The only way to bring common sense to government is to get rid of government and allow people to use their common sense[28]. Another word for this is liberty.
17. Reaganomics is the only economics that works[29]. Lowering tax rates increases wealth to everyone, including the government because there is no limit to wealth. New wealth is created where wealth did not exist before a human acts on a resource and humans can only do that when they are free. (see: Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and Palestine) Taxes are restrictions on freedom.
18. The Second Amendment [to the US constitution] is the essential counterbalance to the fearsome power of lawmaking, and it means exactly what it says. [A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.] If you are a lawmaker and this amendment makes you nervous, good, it is supposed to.
19. In our Republic, God is a necessary legal concept[30]. This is not a Democracy, it is a Representative Constitutional Republic and there is a big difference. In case you are wondering why so many of the Socialists out there want God out of everything in our public life there is a real utilitarian reason for this. It is not just that the idea of God makes them uncomfortable personally. God is a major speed bump on their super highway to their super state. Why? Because our founding documents set forth that our rights as humans pre-date the government of men, those rights cannot be abridged. They come from God and are inalienable.
Drive God out of the mix and rights will flow from government[31]. Once that happens government will cancel those rights, abridge those rights and invent new rights that burden other Americans in exchange for votes and power. Whether God exists or not he is necessary for the maintenance of freedom.
20. There is no such thing as the separation of church and state[32]. That is a trick to intimidate people of faith. The founders feared a Church of the United States, not a manger scene outside the courthouse or red and green cookies in school. In using this canard as a tool to drive all God centered religion out of public life, the secular humanist actually establishes an official state religion. That religion is Atheism.
The left has turned the 1st amendment on its head; from a benevolent tolerance of all religions, to a nitpicky hostility toward any religion. And by the way; what ever happened to the rest of the First Amendment where it says, “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”? I can’t find the part about ‘except on public property’.
21. Illegal immigration is not immigration or migration[33]. It is an invasion promoted by foreign governments and welcomed by the left to increase votes and import a necessary poverty class of dependent democrat voters. GOP wants them for cheap labor. Every country on earth enforces their borders and nobody complains. When we do, we are mean spirited haters.
America was built on immigrants they tell us, to shame us away from enforcing our laws. Truth is, we didn’t take in any immigrants for the 40 years leading up to 1965 and Ted Kennedy’s “third worlding of America” immigration reform. We had decided we had taken in enough immigrants and it was time for them to assimilate before we took in any more. Common sense.
[3] Quinn’s Laws and quick start guide to Liberlism
[31] Dennis Prager
And a few important observations you need to understand before we proceed. It’s no coincidence that many of the leading voices of the left are linguistics professors.[1]
Liberals understand that to transform culture you need to transform the meanings of words. Words are the way that we understand our reality. Control language and you control reality[2]. Example: You cannot legalize gay marriage because there is no such thing. It’s like legalizing the square wheel. There is no such thing as that either. Marriage as a concept was created to give a name to an arrangement between a man and woman that has the potential to create the lives of the next generation of citizens. If sex between a man and a woman didn’t create the next generation of citizens, there would be no need for a word to describe their relationship since civilization would have no interest in it. We would just hook up with each other and when we got bored, move on. Gay activists understand this, and it explains the headlong plunge into gay adoption as an attempt to legitimize the oxymoron, Gay Marriage. THE INSISTANCE THAT A LEGALIZED GAY UNION BE CALLED MARRIAGE IS BECAUSE MARRIAGE ALSO HAS A SPIRITUAL COMPONANT, THAT WORD OPENS THE DOOR TO THE CHURCH AND THE INEVITABLE CHANGES THAT WILL BE FORCED UPON IT’S TEACHINGS. (SEE: CANADA) Now you see how the changing of the clear meaning of the word marriage was essential to advance their agenda. Once a word can mean anything, it means nothing.
White privilege is a mythical advantage[3] attributed by the Left to white people to explain away the failure of their social and economic policies to lift blacks out of poverty, and to distract from the destruction of the black community and black family as a result of them.
Social justice is an invention of the Left[4] to permit them to abandon equal justice under the law to benefit one group and punish another[5] based on whatever social or economic wound is claimed by each group. Basically, it’s racism, sexism, and classism that liberals are ok with. Justice needs no modifier. If it has one, it isn’t justice.
The problem with the Civil Rights Movement is that it wasn’t black American’s civil rights that were being violated. It was their constitutional rights that were being violated. By introducing the concept of civil rights, the door was opened to rights (and punishments) granted and meted out by men. This facilitated the fracturing of our public life into group identity politics. Each group issues a series of demands, and labels them “civil rights”. If you take issue with their demands, you are against their “civil rights” and therefore a bigot which renders your opinion invalid. (See: North Carolina bathroom law)
America’s greatness descends from the concept that the organizing principle of a free country is the individual acting in his own self-interest. This is anathema to the ruling classes because it removes them from power.
And finally, and most importantly we need to understand that these issues discussed above are the divisive issues purposefully utilized by the elite predatory class conspiring to bring our country down by destroying our culture and values from within.
Our conclusion is that the US is in the middle of a struggle to protect and salvage our rights established by our Constitution[6] and that the elite predatory class has coopted the liberal agenda by incorporating Marxist principles to weaken the moral fiber of our American Society.
A new American revolution is required to rid our country and the world from the tentacles of the elite predatory class. Donald Trump is aware of the facts as stated in this document and is doing his part to address the swamp predators as we speak.
However, to extricate ourselves from the elite predatory class, you and I must understand the facts and share the truth in an organized way that will impact the electorate to appoint congressional representatives to office that will abide by our Constitution and their sworn oath of office. We need representatives that are loyal to our country and represent their constituencies, not themselves.